Carbon footprint & compliant protocols

The use of well define protocols to estimate carbon footprint from organizations and products is being encouraged and consequently increasing.  Those protocols help you to obtain a value of your current greenhouse gas emissions. Knowing your current emissions is the first step required to define realistic mitigation and decarbonization goals.

I can follow the main protocols to help you acquiring a compliant value of environmental indicators or greenhouse gas emissions un different cases, such us:

  • Estimation of carbon footprint of and organization. This information is key to define mitigation goals and quantifiable sustainability target strategies. I can develop an in-depth analysis for your case including all the direct and indirect emissions related. Besides, I can also follow the main corporate and official protocols (GHG-Protocol Corporate Standard, ISO 14064-1:2019) to give you a compliant value of emissions.
  • Estimation of carbon footprint of a product and life cycle analysis. This information is key to reduce the emissions linked with your product, not only during the production process but including the entire supply chain (this will be included in a complete life cycle analysis). I shall follow the main corporate and official protocols (GHG-Protocol Product Standard, Product Environmental Footprint, PEF)  to give you a compliant value of emissions.
  • Estimation of the water footprint of a product or organization. In this case I shall perform an analysis to evaluate the water consume and use (green, blue and grey) following the most widespread standards (The Water Footprint Network, ISO 14046:2014)


Please do not hesitate in emailing me if you want to discuss potential options, or you require the use of my skill, experience and enthusiasm. I would be pleased to meet and help you.



Alicia Ledo